Data Pipelines and Business Workflow Applications With Python, Camunda, BPMN, and Java

Convincing Solutions have completed several data processing, BPM, and business workflow projects during the last few years. We use BPMN and Camunda (or Bonitasoft) together with Java and REST. This combination provides the exact architecture that you need to build low-code, reliable and easily maintainable workflow applications in a cost effective manner. We also use Python and FastAPI to build data processing and REST applications. We can model, optimize, implement and host all your workflows and pipelines. Please contact us for a consulting session: Twitter: Skype: ConvincingSolutions Mobile and WhatsApp: +92 300 8484 756 Workflows: Manufacturing Insurance Brokers And Agents Healthcare Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Hospital Management Tourism Hotel Management Digital Marketing and Social Media Integration Marketplaces - Products, Services, Customers, Billing Systems, Fulfill...